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Venezuela, Land Law benefit Popular Sectors


La Orquesta Sinfónica en el Barrio La Vega, Caracas

The Law on Urban Lands, approved this Friday morning by the National Assembly, is animating urban social development plans for families who have a right to a dignified dwelling, said the deputy Alberto Castelar, vice-president of the Commission of the Family, Women and Youth.

ABN Friday, 14 August, 2009

Caracas. He stated that the law is guided by the governing principles of the human right to housing, advancement, social justice, legal security, solidarity, equality, organization, sustainability and tolerance in conformity with the Constitution.

He made reference to organizations with competence in matters of urban lands of the states and municipalities. They should refer to organizations competent in the regularization and urban planning at the national level in the sector of housing and land. The parliamentarian indicated that the regularization of urban lands establishes that the soil be studied to ascertain to whether it is suitable for building housing.

He pointed out that in accordance with the law, it is understood that the highest risk zone comprises those lands composed of soil where there is the possibility of flooding, which are unstable, with extensive cliffs, and the propensity to collapse and those claimed by the authorities to be faulty. He maintains that the National Executive adopt necessary measures to ensure the replacement constructed on high-risk land and the eradication of settlements which are not controlled.

The Law on Urban Lands as approved in a second discussion by the National Assembly (AN) strengthens the right of Venezuelans to have a dwelling and eradicates underutilized spaces in the latifundium system in cities. The deputy for Yaracuy to the AN Braulio Alvarez, member of the Permanent Commission of Economic Development, made mention of this on Friday in an application of the legal text which he presented at the latest national parliament.

The parliament pointed out that the legal text comprised 36 articles and 5 chapters which regulate everything concerning urban lands not in use and which have come to a standstill and are in ruins and others 98n which there are possibilities for Venezuelans to access housing.

“With this law one will succeed in decreasing the housing deficit in the country that is one million eight hundred thousand dwellings. This is because many spaces until now have been underutilized, and they could serve to give real value for the benefit of Venezuelan families,” stated Alvaro. “We can see that underlying many spaces considered underutilized or in ruins

He made it apparent that until now, the natural and constitutional law to have a home has been denied to many Venezuelans. “We can see that regarding the many spaces considered underutilized or in ruins, there are the same groups who want to re-establish the latifundium in the country, the same groups who in this case consist of businessmen and immoral contractors” proclaimed the yarcuyano deputy.

YVKE Mundial

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Sharon Lazare