Several protest participants arrested near City Mayor’s office in Moscow
The Moscow police have arrested several participants of a meeting staged near Moscow Mayor’s office.
According to the ‘’OVD –Info’’ web site, seven people have been arrested including a Yoda news agency reporter, who was released later.
The meeting has involved about forty people, mainly teachers and medical staff, who were left without the housing promised to them.
The educational and medical workers have been facing recently a host of problems including that of housing. Moscow has seen recently a meeting held by school teachers, who demanded that 50 amendments be made in the law on education and mergers of schools for talented children (‘’hothouse schools’’) with ordinary schools be stopped (the ‘’Intellectual School’’ case).
At the same time, the staff workers employed by public medical establishments are expecting layoffs.
The medical workers demanded housing be provided promised to the employees in need. It has been reported that they wanted to stage a continuous picket at Mayor’s Office.
During the protest action, Alexander Zimbovsky, a coordinator of the Moscow Dormitories Movement, is reported to have been one of the first arrested.
It is also reported that the meeting participants headed to the local police department to demand that those arrested be released.
In Saint Petersburg, another protest is reported to have been staged in front of City Hall by a group of the Ilyushina, 15/2, house tenants.
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