Habitants d'Europe
Hungary, The City is for All submitted a report to the Venice Commission
The City is for All
has sent a report to the Venice Commission on the criminalization of homelessness by the Hungarian constitution. The report details the ways in which the pertaining paragraph of the 4th Amendment to the Fundamental Law breaches the rights of homeless people and those without proper housing.
España, El gobierno aprueba una reforma del alquiler a espaldas del inquilino
El Congreso de los Diputados aprobó el pasado jueves la Ley de Medidas de Flexibilización y Fomento del Mercado del Alquiler de Viviendas. La Plataforma por una Vivienda Digna denuncia que esta reforma precariza aún más el mercado del alquiler y sólo busca movilizar temporalmente el stock de vivienda acumulado por las entidades financieras.
Repenser la solidarité transeuropéenne pour le droit au logement et à la ville
Crossing urban solidarity (Essen, 25 04 2013)
En Allemagne à Wuppertal le 26-27 avril, une réunion s’est tenue, organisée par la fondation Rosa Luxembourg, dans laquelle des activistes internationaux ont eu l’occasion d’échanger leurs expériences de leurs luttes, combats et organisations. Dans la soirée du 24-25, il y a eu des réunions avec des militants et des représentants des différents réseaux, organisations, mouvements qui luttent pour le droit au logement et à la ville, pour débattre d'une meilleure coordination des actions concrètes de solidarité en Europe contre les attaques des politiques d'austérité.
Moscow dormitory tenants tried to pitch a tent near Mayor’s Office
On May, 15, at five p.m. tenants of Moscow dormitories came to the inner yard of Moscow City Mayor Office to make officials resolve their housing problems.
Le logement est un droit. Protestation de solidarité avec les Espagnols expulsés
Protesta ante el Congreso por el rechazo de la ILP sobre desahucios (EFE)
Aujourd'hui sont en programme des manifestations devant les ambassades d'Espagne à Paris, Londres, Edinbourg, Berlin et Lisbonne en solidarité contre les expulsions et en appui à la Proposition de Loi d'Initiative Populaire contre les fraudes immobilières en Espagne.Merci de diffuser!
Criminalization of homelessness to be included in the Hungarian constitution
Fidesz-KDNP, the ruling party coalition in Hungary, intends to include the criminalization of homelessness in the Hungarian constitution. The Parliament, where Fidesz-KDNP has supermajority, will vote on the 4th amendment to the Fundamental Law in the second week of March. This step is the culmination of the two-year-long campaign of vengeance that the government has waged against one of the most vulnerable and poorest social groups in the country: homeless people living on the street.
Justice on the Streets, participatory action research with homeless people in Budapest
We are happy to share with you the closing study of the participatory action research project launched by The City is for All in 2011 about discrimination experienced by homeless people in Budapest.
UK, Imminent “Forced Eviction” by Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
In 2009 a group of Romani Gypsies bought some land where they moved their caravans and applied for planning permission. A call to support their struggle against the forced evictions planned by RBWM in about four weeks time.
St. Petersburg, Russia, A call for solidarity with tenants in hunger strike
It has been from February 11 in a row that a twenty people strong group of tenants of house 15/2, Ilyushina street, have been holding a hunger strike action in the office of an opposition party, in the down town area of Saint Petersburg, the ‘’second capital city’’ of Russia. Please read the appeal attached and send your solidarity message to the addresses indicated therein.
An IAI call for solidarity!
16F manifestaciones en ciudades españolas: Por el derecho a la vivienda. Contra el genocidio financiero
El 16 de Febrero salimos a la calle en todas las ciudades españolas por el derecho a la vivienda digna, por que se ponga fin a los desahucios, se establezca la dación en pago de las viviendas hipotecadas y se avance en la conformación de un parque de viviendas en alquiler social. Exigimos, además, que se ponga fin a la corrupción de los partidos políticos.