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USF Napoles: Call a halt to worldwide real-estate speculation

Massive demolitions in Zimbabwe, expulsion of the gypsy communities of France and Italy, violent evictions in Cambodia and Turkey, relocation of entire ethnic groups for the implementation of megaprojects in Brazil, eradication of peasant farmers in Argentina to extend the frontier of soybean monoculture, evictions due to non-repayment of loans of hundreds of thousands of people in Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico, are just some examples of the hundreds of cases which have been presented at the Urban Social Forum taking place in Naples.

While those affected by these circumstances, with the support of the Habitat International Coalition, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, Amnesty International and Via Campesina , condemn these violations of basic human rights, and demonstrate on the streets, UN-Habitat has a busy schedule for the World Urban Forum, proposing technological ‘solutions’ instead of sustainable cities now, solutions which are displayed and sold confidently at the heart of the official forum. UN-Habitat, trapped in its own web, has succumbed to the voracity of the market, which in the name of ‘development’ and ‘competitiveness’ occupies the ultimate confines of the earth, expelling the most vulnerable populations and leaving them in a state of absolute abandon.

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Le Traducteur Volontaire pour le droit au logement sans frontières de l'IAI qui a collaboré à la traduction de ce texte est :

Juliette Rutherford


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