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For the Right to Housing: Dilma, veto the PLC 200/2012!

Exma. Presidenta da República gabinetepessoal@presidencia.gov.br
Central dos Movimentos Populares  <centraldemovimentospopulares.sp@gmail.com>
Confederação Nacional de Associação dos Moradores <conambrasil@hotmail.com>
Movimento Nacional de Luta por Moradia <mnlm@terra.com.br>
União Nacional por Moradia Popular <unmp@uol.com.br>
Fórum Nacional de Reforma Urbana <secretaria.fnru@gmail.com>
International Alliance of Inhabitants <info@habitants.org>

To the Honorable President of the Republic of Brazil

Ms. Dilma Rousseff,

We, the representatives of four national entities, the Center for Popular Movements, the National Confederation of Inhabitants’ Associations, the National Movement for the Struggle for Housing, and the National Union for Social Housing, which is associated with thousands of families across the country, in addition to other organizations, all members of the National Forum for Urban Reform, which since the 80s have been presenting the issues surrounding cities as strategic for the social development of our country, as well as for the members of the National Council of Cities, now turn to your Excellency to express our concerns for the wording of the Draft Supplementary Law. º 200/2012, which was approved by Congress and is awaiting your sanction at this time.

The program My House My Life (Minha Casa Minha Vida ) is the main housing policy that should implement, until the end of 2014, the construction of 3.4 million housing units. A significant share of these resources stems from the FGTS (Length of Service Guarantee Fund ), benefiting thousands of families across the country. Despite being a country in constant mobilization to ensure the expansion of public policies, the National Congress approved the PLC 200/2012 which removes from the FGTS approximately U.S. $ 13 billion reais, directly affecting public works encompassing housing, sanitation and infrastructure, all which depend on strong investments.

Accordingly, we request your veto of the Draft Supplementary Law. º 200/2012 for the continuity of MCMV. It is necessary to listen to the cries of the homeless, who fight for housing and dignity!

We are counting on your veto!

Brazil, July 19, 2013

Center for Popular Movements

National Confederation of Inhabitants’ Associations

National Movement for the Struggle for Housing

National Union for Social Housing

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