No end to the IIyushina 15/2 house story in Saint Petersburg
A new forced eviction of a family was reported in S. Petersburg, by some men hired by Mr. Makshakov from the Fourth Trust company. The tenants, supported by the International Alliance of Inhabitants, request to Mr. A. Govorunov, the city Vice –Governor, to respect its engagement of finding a solution to the tenants’ housing plight. The IAI has announced the submission of a further complaint to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing.
On July, 29, in Saint Petersburg, a forced eviction of a family was reported.
Olga Baranova, a tenant of the house 15/2, Ilyushina street, apartment 121, was evicted from her housing without a prior warning.
Olga Baranova was left undocumented in the street, wearing a bathrobe and slippers.
The door to her apartment was opened by some men hired by Mr. Makshakov from the Fourth Trust company claiming for the property in the Ilyushina residential house.
No court bailiffs, no police were present. The intruders replaced the door.
In trying to stop the intrusion, the tenants called the police.
However, the police did not do anything to stop the eviction.
Olga Baranova filed a statement in the police station claiming the case to be an unlawful act.
In reacting to calls from the place, a civil servant from the local district municipality arrived, but the sides failed to come to any agreement as a result of ad hoc negotiations.
Part of the valuables and documents owned by Olga Baranova were left in apartment 121 (10 floor), Ilyushina street, 15/2.
Some of her belongings are still in the apartment sealed by the intruders.
Olga herself is in the corridor now, together with Svetlana Petrova, another tenant of the house.
The tactic elaborated by the ‘’new owner’’ of the apartments in the house is in sending groups of thugs, ten or twelve people strong, with the purpose of evicting the tenants in the house and replacing the doors.
The tenants have received further threats of forced opening of their apartments with no bailiffs and police presence.
Olga Baranova had her video/ photo camera snatched away from her hands and smashed – a video made on the spot is attached.
The tenants, supported especially by the International Alliance of Inhabitants, request to Mr. A. Govorunov, the city Vice –Governor, to respect its engagement of finding a solution to the tenants’ housing plight.
However, the meeting with the Ilyushina house tenants planned for July, 30, as promised to be held by Mr. A. Govorunov, a city Vice –Governor, has not been held so far.
Following the previous meeting with the tenants, Vice Governor A. Govorunov and City Housing Committee are trying now to play for time, having refused to deliver on their previous promises of finding a solution to the tenants’ housing plight.
For that reason the The IAI has announced the submission of a further complaint to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing, which is already intervened in the past to support the struggles of tenants of Ilyushina, 15/2,
In the meantime, the Fourth Trust property company, ‘’new owner’’ of the Ilyushina, 15/2, house, a former dormitory, is exerting financial pressure and even physical force on the tenants in trying to evict those still remaining in their apartments.
The latest case is a demonstration of impunity on the part of local developers and civil servants working in tandem on the housing city ‘’market’’ - they have been involved in joint efforts in a number of cases aiming to reach their goals of illegal acquisition of property at the expense of tenants.
Photos and video, as well as some links to online resources are attached.
For further information and solidarity, the contact persons are:
Olga Baranova +79110050417
Zinaida Porohkovaya +79210907801
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