“Have a Heart, No More Cuts” Actions Valentine’s Day 2013
The “Have a Heart” campaign demanding “No More Cuts, Tax the 1%, Redirect Pentagon Spending, Invest in Jobs” is initiated by the National Alliance of HUD Tenants (NAHT) and supported by their allies in 15 cities.The USACAI and International Alliance of Inhabitants support.
Valentine's Day 2013: Local Actions
NAHT is inviting allies in community, peace and labor organizations to join in the local actions listed below.
We will collect photos, video, media coverage & results from Valentines Day actions, nationwide, at this site: https://docs.google.com/a/tenantsunion.org/folder/d/0B81QVU_Vkgt5NzN4YnEzcFUxMVk/edit
Boston, MA . On Valentines Day, the Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants (MAHT) will join with community, peace and labor partners in the Budget for All Coalition to deliver a giant “Valentine Card” with the Budget for All Referendum results as a “gift” to the offices of U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and William “Mo” Cowan (D-MA). Participants will rally at 12:30 pm at the JFK Federal Building at the Cambridge Street entrance and be addressed by a representative of Sen. Warren’s office. The group will then march to One Bowdoin Square to the office of newly appointed Sen. William Cowan, who has also been asked to address the group. The Budget for All Referendum on the Massachusetts ballot in November 2012 passed by an overwhelming 3 to 1 margin in 91 cities and towns. The Referendum called on Congress to prevent any cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, housing and other vital programs; raise taxes by closing corporate loopholes and making the top 2% earners pay their fair share; redirect Pentagon spending to domestic needs and ending the Afghan War; and invest in jobs.
Contact: Michael Kane, MAHT 617-233-1885, maht@saveourhomes.org
Springfield, MA. A coalition of Western Mass community, peace and labor groups mobilized by ARISE for Social Justice will meet with a representative from Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s office at 1:15 pm, followed by a 1:45 press conference and speak out at the Federal Building before delivering postcards to Rep. Richard Neal’s office. The postcards call on Congress to reject cuts to vital social programs, tax corporations and the 1%, redirect Pentagon spending to domestic needs, and invest in jobs.
Contact: Michaelann Bewsee, ARISE (413 734-4948), michaelannb@gmail.com
Attleboro, MA . The Budget for All coalition will deliver a Valentine “gift” of the Budget for All to newly elected Rep. Joseph Kennedy III at his Attleboro office at 4 N. Main Street at 11:00 am. Contact: Maryellen Kurkulos, mkurk@mac.com .
Hartford, CT. Tenants organized by the Publicly-assisted Housing Resident Network (PHRN) delivered Valentines postcards to CT Congressional offices opposing cuts to needed social programs and supporting increased taxes on the rich and corporate tax cheats and investment in jobs on February 13. Details to be announced.
Contact: Kim McLaughlin, PHRN, 860-563-2943, Kim@ct-housing.org
Chattanooga, TN. The Westside Community Action, Chattanooga Organized for Action and resident associations across the city will deliver Valentines postcards with photos of children and elderly people who will be devastated by extremist budget cuts proposed by U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) to their offices in Chattanogga on Thursday, February 14 (Valentines Day).
Contact: Roxann Larson, NAHT Board VP/South, 423-635-4797, chattanoogarox@gmail.com
Sanford, FL. Public and HUD Assisted Housing tenants and allies from several Central Florida cities held a rally February 9 to collect postcards and letters addressed to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) , U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL), Representative Corrine Brown (D -Fl Dist 5 ), Representative John Mica (R-Fl Dist 7), Representative Ron DeSantis (R-Fl Dist 6) at Fort Mellon Park in Sanford. The postcards and letters call on Congress to reject cuts to social programs, tax corporations and the 1%, redirect Pentagon spending to domestic needs and invest in jobs.
Contact: Valerie Wilson , President P.U.S.H. (People United Saving Humanity) (407) 844-0134 topnotchdentalasst@yahoo.com ; Roberto Cruz , Advocacy Director, Legal Advocacy Center of Central Florida, Inc. (LACCF) (407) 708-1020 robertoc@laccf.org
Raleigh, NC. The North Carolina Housing Coalition sent an action alert to over 3,000 statewide contacts urging low income tenants and advocates to send a Valentines Day message to Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Kay Hagan (D-NC) urging them to “Have a Heart” and oppose cuts to Social Security, Medicare, housing and other vital programs, raise revenues by closing corporate loopholes and taxing the top 1% earners, redirecting Pentagon spending to domestic needs and investing in jobs. Contact: Regina Greene (919-827-4494, 919-673-5030 cell, rgreen@nchousing.org )
Dallas, TX. Tenants from HUD housing developments organized by the Texas Tenants Union are collecting postcards urging Congress to “Have a Heart” by preventing any further cuts to vital social programs, raising taxes on corporate tax evaders and the top 1% earners, redirecting Pentagon spending to domestic needs and investing in jobs. TTU will deliver the cards at a press event on Thursday, February 14 (Valentines Day) to the Dallas offices of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Contact: Sandy Rollins, TTU (214-823-2999) sandy@txtenants.org
Beaumont, TX. Tenants from HUD housing developments organized by Rachel Williams, NAHT Board VP/West from Sunlight Manor Residents Council and the Texas Tenants Union are collecting postcards urging Congress to “Have a Heart” by preventing any further cuts to vital social programs, raising taxes on corporate tax evaders and the top 1% earners, redirecting Pentagon spending to domestic needs and investing in jobs. Rachel will deliver the cards at a press event at 2:00 pm on Thursday, February 14 (Valentines Day) to the Beaumont office of Rep. Randy Webber (R-TX).
Contact: Rachel Williams, NAHT Board VP/West, 404-449-9441, rachelscharity@yahoo.com or Sandy Rollins, TTU (214-823-2999, sandy@txtenants.org
San Antonio, TX. Tenants from HUD housing developments organized by the Texas Tenants Union are collecting postcards urging Congress to “Have a Heart” by preventing any further cuts to vital social programs, raising taxes on corporate tax evaders and the top 1% earners, redirecting Pentagon spending to domestic needs and investing in jobs. TTU will deliver the cards at a press event on Thursday, February 14 (Valentines Day) to the San Antonio offices of U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX).
Contact: Sandy Rollins, TTU (214-823-2999, sandy@txtenants.org
Detroit, MI. Elderly and handicapped tenants organized by the United Tenant Coalition will deliver Valentines postcards to Michigan Congressional offices on or about Valentines Day, urging Congress to “Have a Heart” by preventing cuts to vital social programs, raising taxes on corporate tax cheats and the top 1% earners, redirecting Pentagon spending to domestic needs and investing in jobs. Details to be announced.
Contact: Elizabeth Mack, 313-964-4133, Evangeline.lowey@gmail.com
Syracuse, New York. The Greater Syracuse Tenants Network will organize a press event with a Valentines theme in Syracuse on Thursday, February 14 (Valentines Day). Contact: Sharon Sherman, GSTN 315-475-8092 syracusetenant@aol.com
San Jose, CA. On Valentine’s Day, 50 tenants mobilized by the Affordable Housing Network and other local allies will hold a press event and speak out at the Low Income Self Help Center, Thursday, February 14, urging Congress to “Have a Heart” by preventing cuts to vital social programs, raising taxes on corporate tax cheats and the top 1% earners, redirecting Pentagon spending to domestic needs and investing in jobs. Participants will deliver Valentines Day letters to local offices of Members of Congress. Contact: Sandy Perry, Affordable Housing Network (408-691-6153, perrysandy@aol.com ).
Sacramento, CA . Tenants from Public and Multifamily HUD housing and a local homeless advocacy coalition in Sacramento will deliver Valentines Day cards to the Sacramento offices of Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA) urging Congress to “Give Us a Home” and prevent further cuts to vital social programs, tax big corporations and the top 1% earners, redirect Pentagon spending to domestic needs, and invest in jobs. The postcard delivery is planned for Thursday, February 14 (Valentines Day). Contact: Charlotte Delgado, NAHT Board President, 916-769-3472, celticcat000@gmail.com
Seattle, WA. Seattle area tenants will deliver Valentines postcards to Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA) protesting Republican proposals to slash housing and other social programs for the poor and middle class. The postcards will urge Reichart to “Have a Heart” and prevent any more cuts to social programs, increase taxes on the rich and close corporate loopholes, redirect military spending to domestic needs and invest in jobs. Details to be announced. Contact: Eliana Horn, The Tenants Union of Washington (206-722-6848x114, elianah@tenantsunion.org )
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