Home » La Voie Urbaine » Assemblée Mondiale des Habitants 2013 » Des nouvelles de Tunis » WORKSHOP OF CONAM WSF in Tunisia

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Date: 29/03/2013
Time: 9am to 11.30am
Venue: P12
Activity: Workshop: At the Universal Access Law and the commons about: Housing, Sanitation, Energy and Water.

The workshop will discuss the right to universal access to individuals about: energy, water, sanitation, as proposed to improve the quality of life of the people on our planet. The
CONAM understands the opportunity to make this debate and converge with other entities understand that various countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and in particular African countries suffer from a lack of essential services on man's experience.

It is important to introduce these advances policies identify bottlenecks, analyze the search for better solutions to social and economic development to overcome poverty, we believe, in fact, that another world is possible.

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