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La Voie Urbaine

Send your video-postcards to the Urban Social Forum!

We're inviting everyone, from all over the world, to send us a video-postcard  they've made , so we can compile them into a living mosaic to motivate our invitations to participate in the USF in Naples, Italy, on 3-7 September 2012.

Send us Your  Video-Message!

How can you do this?

It's very easy:

1. Record short interviews on video  (max: 1'-2') for publication on the website, in which people:

- present themselves  - who they are, their organisation- if any, their city and country;

- explain why  they are giving their support, why they are participating, and what they hope from the USF in Naples;

- invite others  to participate.

This should be done in a free, lively way, preferably with a glimpse of your own city in the background, or/and a symbol of your organisation, or a group of people in support......…or anyhow you wish....!

2. Upload the video on our website :

A) Upload your video on Youtube, or save it in FLV format (max:100 MB);

B) It's necessary to register before uploading your video on our website.

Are you registered? Enter here

Not yet registered? Get registered now

C) Once you are registered, compile the form  (Create new Video ) and upload your video.

D) Send an e-mail with your data to nicolas@habitants.org  , along with the aim: - POSTCARD TO THE URBAN SOCIAL FORUM.

>>> Send us a video-message too!

Place à laquelle s'applique cet article

Le Traducteur Volontaire pour le droit au logement sans frontières de l'IAI qui a collaboré à la traduction de ce texte est :

George Wright


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