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ESG: Hyresgästföreningen, Swedish Union of Tenants

Titre de l’expérience:
Hyresgästföreningen, Swedish Union of Tenants
Nom de votre organisation:
Hyresgästföreningen, Swedish Union of Tenants
Vos nom et prénom:
Anna Eklöf
Votre pays d’habitat:
Langue maternelle:
Langues de travail possible (par ordre d’aisance):
Anglais , Français
Votre responsabilité dans l’organisation:
Association d'habitants:
Objet de l’organisation (préciser):
The Swedish Union of Tenants works to improve housing and living conditions, for fair and reasonable rents, and for influence and participation in decision-making processes.
Main activities
The Swedish Tenants Union is a members´ organisation. Our main goal is to ensure the right to good housing at an affordable and fair rent, to guarantee security of tenure and to provide a sense of community.
We represent the tenants in annual rent negotiates relating to the municipal housing stock. The results of these negotiations also, by law, are seen as a target and a maximum when the rents are set in the private property sector.we rouse public opinion and lobby political policy makers in favour of rights to good housing at affordable rents,
we awaken public opinion and lobby political policy makers in favour of rights to good housing at affordable rents,
we support our members in disputes with landlords,
we aim at a housing standard, quality and rent in reasonable proportion to each other,
we inform members on tenants’ rights and obligations and train volunteer staff.
Taille de l’organisation (nombre d’adhérents, zone d’influence, …):
535 000
de l'organisation
Type d’action:
Populations touchées ou concernées:
Envergure géographique de l’action:
Nombre de personnes concernées:
Description sommaire (historique, enjeux, acteurs, objectifs, enseignements):