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Amani Kibera Community Based Organization

Nom de l’organisation:
Amani Kibera Community Based Organization
Personne de l'organisation (prénom, nom, téléphone, e-mail) :
Ben Ooko
Références géographiques:
Adresse (rue et numéro, code postal):
Kibera Drive, Kichinjio, Kibera P.O box: 76393 00508
Langue(s) de travail:
Courrier électronique :
Courte présentation concernant l’histoire, la nature, l’adhésion, les activités:

Amani Kibera is an organization that tries to empower the youth of Kibera. Amani means peace in swahili. Consequently, much of its efforts are focused on peace building in the community and managing conflict. They have a special focus on female empowerment as well, where they have computer, sewing and educational classes for the young female members of the community. Their multi-disciplinary approach, with focus on women, is to better target certain issues and to allow greater women participation in the community.

Qui a effectué le contact (prénom, nom, téléphone, e-mail):
Ben Ooko +254721207114
Brice Jacquemin