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Campagne Zéro Expulsion

How participate in October 2015’s World Zero Evictions Days - for the Defense of the Land

Grounded in the Declaration of the World Assembly of the Inhabitants  (WSF 2015, Tunis ) , signed by hundred entities from all over the world and on the Declaration of People’s Alternative Urban Social Forum (Medellin, 2014) ,attended by more than 3,000 participants from all continents, and towards the World Urban Social Forum (Quito, october 2016) alternative to Habitat III,  we propose to organize or to converge your actions during the whole month of October


  •  Denounce the threats of forced evictions, demolitions, land grabbing, violences against activists using the online Zero Evictions Alert  
  •  Block evictions
  •  “Requisition” empty housing
  •  Fight against austerity plans based on neoliberal policies to overcome the crisis
  •  Fight privatization and the deregulation of the housing sector

and more ...

  •  Declare their territory “eviction-free zones”
  •  Approve coordinated action plans for “zero evictions and housing rights”
  •  Set up Popular Funds for Land and Housing

and more ...

These proposals should form part of local, national and regional platforms and be launched through rallies, sit-in, press conferences, delegations, forums, broadcasts and whatever other means may serve to give voice to those whose housing rights have been violated.
Therefore, if you have not already done, We ask you to hesitate no longer in:

  • Tweet on Twitter messages, articles, photos, videos, about your initiatives for the WZED, using the hashtag #ZEROEVICTIONSDAYS2015
  •  Inform other organizations, movements and networks
  •  Get sympathetic local authorities and governments to lend their support
  •  We will publish the information on www.habitants.org , a site visited by 100,000 people per month, and in the Newsletter, which is sent to another 150,000 entities in more than 100 countries.

On the www.habitants.org  website, it’s easier!



Nicola < nicolas@habitants.org  > in case of any technical issues!

Facebook  : facebook.com/InternationalAllianceInhabitants

Twitter  : twitter.com/InhabitantsIAI


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