Subscribe the appeal: Piquiá wants to live!
We ask your help: click here to e-mail to the Mayor of Açailândia, to the Government and the General Attorney of Justice of Maranhão, northeastern Brazil, to say no more pollution killing the 1,100 residents of Piquiá de Baixo, no more excuses to delay their resettlement!
Piquiá de Baixo is the industrial district of Açailândia, suffering since 25 years ago the pollution of five steel plants and of the mining company Vale.
350 families suffer from having industries "in their backyard". Fever, shortness of breath, itching, allergies, cancer: the profit goes to a few, but these damages are for everyone.
Piquiá has been fighting for seven years to escape the pollution. The only solution is a collective process of resettlement in an area free and dignified.
The people's struggle has been growing day by day and managed by many partners in Brazil and worldwide.
A team of architects has finished the housing and urban project. Our lawyers’ team has articulated the economic support of the Federal Government.
Now, it's just the little Municipality of Açailândia that is delaying the whole process.
Help the residents of Piquiá de Baixo, manifest your indignation to the Mayor of Açailândia and the Governor of Maranhão, ask together with us: "Piquiá: resettlement now! "
Associação Comunitária dos Moradores do Pequiá
supported by the International Alliance of Inhabitants
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