info globales
Vers Habitat III: ne pas déranger l'opérateur?
La Plateforme globale pour le Droit à la Ville, constituée par les plus importants réseaux internationaux impliqués dans le thème, le 26/05/15 a envoyé une lettre pour proposer la collaboration de la societé civile à la préparation du Sommet des Nations Unies Habitat III (Quito, octobre 2016).Malheuresement, aucune réponse est arrivée a cette date, ajoutant cette cloture aux autres que l'ONU Habitat est en train de disseminer. Pas de surprise, car la proposition est fondée sur les droits humains, une approche qui derangerait l'ONU-Habitat, bien ancré sur les principes néoliberaux.Dans l'attente que quelqu'un enfin décide de répondre, vaut mieux s'impliquer décidemment dans la construction du Forum Social Urbain Mondial Alternatif à Habitat III.
Police Violence Against Homeless, Poor Persons, Housing & Homelessness Addressed At Global Review of U.S. Human Rights Record
Photo Credit: US Human Rights Network
On Monday, May 11, the U.N. Human Rights Council reviewed the U.S. for compliance with its human rights obligations as part of the U.S.’s second Universal Periodic Review raising concerns about the criminalization of homelessness and poverty as well as the lack of adequate housing in the U.S.
10 key trends in record year for internal displacement
Carrying whatever possessions they can, women arrive in a steady trickle at a camp for Internally Displaced People (IDPs) established next to a base of the African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM) near Jowhar. © Tobin Jones/UN Photo
OXFORD, 6 May 2015 (IRIN) - Those trying to escape conflict and violence often only make headlines when they cross an international border and become refugees, but the majority of people forced to flee their homes seek refuge within the borders of their own country. They are “internally displaced persons,” or IDPs. By the end of 2014 there were 38 million of them, more than twice the number of refugees.
Evicted and abandoned: how the World Bank Broke Its Promise to Protect the Poor
An estimated 3.4 million people have been physically or economically displaced in the past decade by projects funded by the World Bank. The bank has regularly failed to protect the poor and vulnerable people it claims to serve, a new 11-month ICIJ investigation
has revealed.
Home sweet home: housing practices and tools that support durable solutions for urban IDPs
Home sweet home: housing practices and tools that support durable solutions for urban IDPs
Despite a longstanding recognition of the need to improve the response of actors addressing urban displacement, there is a lack of guidance on how to do this and a limited knowledge of practices that have successfully addressed the housing, tenure security and livelihood needs of urban IDPs.
Nations Unies: La responsabilité légale des autorités locales de respecter le droit au logement
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on adequate housing Leilani Farha
Nous publions le Rapport de la Rapporteuse Spéciale des Nations Unies sur le Droit au Logement, présenté lors de la 28ème session du Conseil des Droits de l'Homme des Nations Unies (Genève, 2 au 27 Mars 2015). Il s'agit d'un texte très important car il précise comment la ratification des Etats du Pacte International sur les Droits Économiques, Sociaux et Culturels, impose également aux autorités locales l'obligation légale de protéger ce droit par des actions et des politiques efficaces.A lire attentivement et utiliser dans les conflits locaux, notamment dans la lutte contre les expulsions, où les authorités locales jouent souvent un rôle principal.Il n'y a donc aucune excuse au désengagement affiché par certaines autorités locales. Sinon tout le contraire, elles aussi ont l'obligation légale d'agir pour défendre le droit au logement.
2015, les habitant-e-s ensemble, en solidarité et dignité, sans frontières !
Aux sans abri, mal logés et expulsés, qui font face et qui gagnent grâce à la solidarité et aux luttes de résistance et d'alternative face aux coups de fouet du néolibéralisme …Meilleurs vœux en comptant sur votre soutien!
Encuentro en el Vaticano: Papa convoca a movimientos sociales de todo el mundo a combatir las causas estructurales de la pobreza
El Papa Francisco se reunió en la mañana de este martes 28 de octubre en el Salón del Sínodo con los participantes del Encuentro Mundial de los Movimientos Populares (del 27 al 29 de octubre), organizado por el Pontificio Consejo Justicia y Paz en colaboración con la Pontificia Academia de las Ciencias Sociales y con los líderes de varios movimientos.
Why the World Needs to Get Ready for the Next Generation of Slums
People who live in slums don't have easy lives to begin with. Lately, though, politicians have been doing their best to make matters even more complicated. A few weeks ago the Venezuelan government started evicting
Caracas's infamous 45-story slum, the "Tower of David," relocating residents to government housing outside the city. In early July, a few weeks earlier, a thousand slum dwellers in Islamabad found themselves confronting riot police as they tried to protest the Pakistani government's plans to evict them from their homes ("katchi adabi
" settlements). Around the same time, a local government in India approved plans
to build the first of 10,000 new "transit accommodations" for displaced slum dwellers. That followed Bombay's brutal anti-slum
drive in May, when authorities bulldozed more than 100 family homes, forcing over 600 residents onto the streets.
Disconnecting water from people who cannot pay - an affront to human rights, say UN experts
Three UN experts on the human rights to water and sanitation, adequate housing, and extreme poverty and human rights expressed concern Wednesday about reports of widespread water disconnections in the US city of Detroit of households unable to pay water bills.