The RTCNYC Coalition, and The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Launch New Website Naming Some of NYC’s Worst Evictors & Mapping Evictions Across NYC
The RTCNYC Coalition, and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project are excited to announce the launch of a new website, , which names the worst evictors in the neighborhoods where Right to Counsel is in effect, maps NYC evictions in 2018, and connects tenants to their rights, including their Right to Counsel.
After a three-year campaign, in August 2017, the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition won an amazing victory making NYC the first City in the nation to establish a Right to Counsel for low-income tenants facing eviction. This right is incredibly powerful, and almost everyone who fights their case with an attorney wins.
However, not enough tenants know about their new right, and many are too intimidated to use it. Tenants are told that evictions are their fault, but the widespread use of housing court to threaten and evict tenants by particular landlords is part of what’s driving the eviction crisis.
The RTCNYC Coalition, and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project are excited to announce the launch of a new website, , which names the worst evictors in the neighborhoods where Right to Counsel is in effect, maps NYC evictions in 2018, and connects tenants to their rights, including their Right to Counsel:
The website has three primary goals:
- Worst Evictors List: Document the top 2-7 worst evictors in every borough where Right to Counsel is in effect, demonstrating that evictions are not simply about the facts of a case but about power and displacement
- Evictions Map: Map of all evictions citywide in NYC in 2018 to show the pervasive and systemic nature of the housing crisis
- Encourage tenants to know and exercise their rights to fight evictions
The Worst Evictors List was created as a collaboration between the RTCNYC Coalition and It combines on-the-ground knowledge from tenant organizers with data analysis powered by and their Who Owns What tool ( ) to effectively track buildings owned by the same landlord. Open data on Marshals Evictions in 2018 (cleaned and made useable by the Housing Data Coalition and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project) was then applied to identify eviction counts per landlord. For more information, see the Methodology section on the About page . The Evictions map was developed by the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project using the same Marshals Evictions data for 2018.
Tenants can now go to to see a map of evictions, search for their landlord, find the worst evictor in the neighborhoods in their borough where RTC is in effect, and learn about their rights, as well as connect to lawyers and tenant organizing groups.
In conjunction with the website release, there will be local actions in Brooklyn, Manhattan, the Bronx, and Queens, that highlight the worst evictors in each borough. Tenants are calling on the city to strengthen RTC and to investigate these serial evictors, and they are calling on the state to pass universal rent control to protect their rights.
- Monday, May 6, 10am, Brooklyn Housing Court, 141 Livingston St. Tenant Leaders and members of the Flatbush Tenant Coalition will be serving an eviction notice to one of the worst evictors in Brooklyn: Moshe Piller
- Wednesday, May 8, 12pm, Outside the office of Stellar Management, 156 William St, Manhattan Tenant Leaders and members of the Goddard Riverside Community Center will be serving an eviction notice outside of the office of one of the worst evictors in Manhattan: Larry Gluck of Stellar Management
- Thursday, May 9, 10am, Bronx Housing Court, 1118 Grand Concourse Tenant Leaders and members of Community Action for Safe Apartments and the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition will be serving an eviction notice to two of the worst evictors in the Bronx: Steven Finkelstein, and Brooke, Ryan and Scott Morgan of the Morgan Group
- Thursday May 9, 6pm, Canvassing to tenants in BRG buildings in Queens, 87-34 Whitney Ave, St. Bartholomew Parish, Convent Room Tenants Leaders and members of Catholic Migration Services will canvass tenants who live in buildings owned by one of the worst evictors in Queens: Ely Singer, Jonah Rosenberg and Daniel Benedict of the Benedict Realty Group (BRG). This action will work to make sure that tenants in these buildings know their rights and are encouraged to fight evictions.
- For inquiries about the week of action, Right to Counsel, tenant stories: Susanna Blankley, 917-691-0544;; Right to Counsel NYC Coalition
- For inquiries about the worst evictors list: Sam Raby, , 781-720-8362 or Dan Kass, , 845-978-1262;
- For inquiries about the map of city wide evictions: Manon Vergerio, , 267-319-5453; Ciera Dudley, , 831-331-6629; Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
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