Parola chiave: FRAPRU

Conférence de ministres de l'Habitation: 400 mal-logés réclament de l'action de la part d'Ottawa

Y'en a pas de logements, y'en a pas de logements, si y'en a, si y'en a, y sont chers ; Y'en a pas de logements, y'en a pas de logements, si y'en a, y sont pas pour nous ! 400 tenants people made their voices heard in Gatineau where the first Federal-Provincial-Territorial Housing Ministers Meeting is taking place. The protesters came from across Quebec at the invitation of the FRAPRU to demand that the federal government take action on the problems of housing and homelessness, particularly to protect 600 000 existing social housing units.

Québec, una commissione popolare fa un'inchiesta sul diritto alla casa

Tenendo delle udienze pubbliche nelle 17 regioni amministrative della provincia, una commissione popolare, formata su iniziativa del Fronte di azione popolare per la ristrutturazione urbanistica (FRAPRU), indaga sul rispetto del diritto alla casa in Québec.

Housing Movements from Around the World Converge on the Social Form in Montreal and come to Consensus on a Series of Coordinated Actions in October

Montreal QC - Social Movements from around the world recently converged on University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) and McGill University for the World Social Forum 2016. The events took place from August 9th -14th. Even with the large numbers of rejections, several housing organizations, alliances and coalitions found their way to Montreal.

Québec, François Saillant fait le bilan de 38 ans au FRAPRU

François Saillant, qui a été, pendant près de 38 ans, coordonnateur du Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain, prendra sa retraite du FRAPRU ce fin d'année. Un grand merci et bravo de la part de l'Alliance Internationale des Habitants!

Quebec: FRAPRU march from cities to villages for the right to housing

From September 2nd to September 29, the FRAPRU is marching from Ottawa to Québec City to defend the right to housing. More than 550 kms will be covered during 28 days! The IAI support and call for international solidarity.